
When an individual is unable to handle their finances a conservator may be appointed. Establishing a conservatorship is a legal process that involves the marshaling and control and management of the individual’s assets. Care Coordinators, Inc. works closely with attorneys and other representatives to insure that all issues are presented to maximize the wards quality of life while working within the resources available.
Please consult with an attorney (preferably with related experience, such as an elder law attorney) to discuss the options regarding asset management for an incapacitated individual, the legal approach to appointment of the conservator and to obtain an estimate of the costs of court proceedings.
Contact us today for a free confidential consultation.
Please consult with an attorney (preferably with related experience, such as an elder law attorney) to discuss the options regarding asset management for an incapacitated individual, the legal approach to appointment of the conservator and to obtain an estimate of the costs of court proceedings.
Contact us today for a free confidential consultation.